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Raymonde Fortin lives in the Moncton area where she has been conducting an active visual arts practice since 2004. She has given about 15 solo shows and participated in over 30 group shows and events in NB, Quebec, and Ontario. Some of the honours she has won include Les Eloizes visual artist of the year in 2008, the BMO First Art award for NB in 2007, the Prix de la Francophonie at FAVA and the Max1 from the Galerie Heron in Shediac in 2005.

Originally from Quebec, Raymonde started her post-secondary education with a diploma in graphic arts, followed by a bachelor’s degree in visual arts from l'Université de Moncton (honours), then by studies in artistic practice at l'Université du Quebec at Rimouski. She has received several grants from ArtsNB during her career.

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